
Friday, February 17, 2012

Christmas 2011

Visiting with Santa
This is the first time in 10 years that I haven't put together a Christmas letter/email of some sort.  I would like to attempt to justify that.  Isaac had to go into Primary Children's medical center for a very painful surgery on December 21st.  He was rightfully very nervous about this before hand, and in quite a lot of pain afterward.  So the actual week of Christmas was not a very productive one for me.  The 2 weeks before that, I was in the process of passing a miserable kidney stone (is there any other kind?) and was basically in a Percocet coma for that entire 2 weeks.  The last week of December, the whole family went through a nasty bout of stomach flu.  It was not a very healthy month for the Baer family!  But thankfully, we had a beautiful Christmas day, and the kids were certainly not wanting for Christmas gifts.  I was so sick before Christmas, that I think Justin assumed he needed to buy all the presents.  He didn't realize I was done will all my shopping by Thanksgiving.  So, despite our intentions to have fewer gifts this year, we went a little bit nuts.  Again.  But they're the best kids on the planet, so we feel justified in spoiling them a little.  Okay, a lot!

Looking at the lights after Isaac's concert
New pajamas for Christmas Eve

9:00 church on Christmas day meant the kids had to
wait to open presents until after we got home.

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